Sunday, February 5, 2017

S1 Episode 2

I was quite the hand full. Still am I guess. But my parents were happy to have a little on to dote on again. They gave me all the love they had my older siblings, but also took more time for themselves than they had in recent years. They went out to festivals and dinners.

"It's like she's given us so much more life." mom would say, "We've been doing so much more with her in our lives."

My brother, Lane, did not agree. He had recently married his fiancé, Miana, and went into the business career.

"I just don't understand. You two aren't getting any younger. What if something happens to you, then what?" Lane questioned.

"We're not died yet Lane. If anything did happen, I would imagine her siblings would step in. Jennifer will be fine. Right?" Uriah replied.

"Well. Yes. But I just want you to know the position you've put me in. Susan, responsible, yes, but she's still young and definitely doesn't want to be tied down with a child. She's travelling the world. Which means Jennifer would have to live with me and Miana. We, aren't really looking to have kids anytime soon."

"If at all." Miana chimed in.

Of course, I was too young to know the behind the scene details. All I knew was that my BIG siblings visited me often. My brother mostly visited my parents, but my sister came to see me.

The older my parents got, the more I saw of Susan. She made sure I was learning at a top notch rate.

"I'll be out of town for her birthday, but I will visit as soon as I am back. I've taken an interest in art recently. I think Jenny should give it a try. It's good for kids to keep busy these days."

Like any growing child, I was optimistic about getting older and all the things I would experience. My parents were a little less optimistic. For the older I got, the older they got. They wanted me to be happy and have the best life could offer. But they knew they wouldn't be around to give me the world.

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